Monday, November 1, 2010

Heineken Touch Maze

Brand Activation 101: Get the basics right first and then worry about all the frothy cream...

So...I was out on Orchard Road on Saturday night and came across the Heineken Touch Maze.  Being an inquisitive creature I queued up to enter the maze.  On reaching the front of the queue after about 8 minutes of waiting I was informed that the Maze was "temporarily closed" and that I'd have to wait 5 minutes as the staff were taking a break.  The Maze was apparently open from 8pm to 12 midnight so I'm not sure why the Activation Agency couldn't stagger their staff so that the Maze could stay open for 4 short hours...anyway I digress.

I finally entered the Maze and it was fairly disappointing... the actual Maze is nothing like the attached image.  It lasts for maybe 20 seconds and then you end up at the neon-lit bar... but guess what, they'd run out of beer 2 hours into a 4 hour activation.  Who runs out of beer at a beer event?

I left the activation feeling disappointed and slightly disillusioned.  Activation 101 is all about getting the basics right.  Leave the fancy neon-lights at home next time.