I recently came across this simple but well-executed idea in my home town of Singapore. When Huggies wanted to introduce its new Dry Comforts Lock and Breathe Diaper it created a simple and straight forward message: No More Steamy Buns (not an easy feat in this part of the world)...
Typically, trail packs are offered via out-of-home advertising channels, but Huggies wanted to relay their message and be creative about it. The promotional mechanic was also a reversal of the traditional trend of on-ground to online as opposed to promoting something online and then distributing on ground.
To promote the sample pack request, promotional staff passed out steaming hot lotus paste buns together with leaflets for three days at the busy junction of Singapore’s Chevron House - a haven for professional and office-based working mums in Singapore.
The initiative delivered over 13,000 microsite visitors with over 11,000 of these people requesting sample packs.